domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

No smoking, please!

In my city, in some bars and restaurants that banned smoking. Is also banned smoking in hospitals, malls, stores, churches... Also let's remember the colleges, highs schools, asylums and many more sites. Practically only it is possible to smoke in some bars and restaurants.
I believe that it is very nice that should not allow to smoke in the bars and restaurants. Because there are many people who does not smoke and this way it is prevented from polluted with the smoke that the cigars detach, and with more reason if you go with a small child, who is very prejudicially that breathe smoke of the tobacco. It seems to me very likely that prohibit to smoke in the bars and the restaurants, if you want to smoke you have to go to out!

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008

My Future!

Sometimes I daydream about my future, specially when i'm confuse.

Ten years form now, I think I'll be living in a flat, and I will have a big dog in a silent zone. My favourite animals are dogs.

I like citys when i go shopping, go to the concerts and the other events but i don't like will living in city because It's noisy, dangerous, dirty, polluted and it's over-populated. I will prefer calm country.

I'll probably work and study, my dream is study actress career and work. However theater actress don't make much money. I won't have a car, i'll have a van. I'll decorate a van. I'll give a curtains and paint about a lot of different colours.

I'll travel a lot around the world, see different citys, countries and continents, meet many different people and make a lot of friends.

I won't get married, it's a crazy idea!but i'll have a boyfriend, obiously!Who knows what my future will really be like, but I enjoy dreaming!

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

A memorable place!

One of my favourite continents is Africa. I have never been there but I saw a lot of photos, videos and situation.

Africa is a beautiful continent but there is a lof of poverty.

There are big deserted extension, not much water and a lot of poor people. Africa is a remote, hot, silent, strange and boiling place. There are wild animals for example tigers, panthers, lions...

In the past, Africa was colonized by the European countries who enslaved many people.

People lived in tribes and they have different culture, traditional dances, different customs and live close to nature. Their food is very natural. They eat a lot of fruit and many exotic products.

Africa has nature, remote places, desert and even cities.

The weather is the same for the whole year, it is very hot and sometimes rains. Sometimes there is sand rain too and the desert is very dangerous.

Africa is a beautiful site and interesting but it is sad because there are wars and a lot of poor people die.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

I was born in Girona.I'm 16 years old. I live in Bescano.

I spent my childhood in Salt, in vilagran school, when I finished my studys in the school I went in high school. Now I study bachillerat in Vallvera.

I don't travel very much although I would like to be able to travel in exotic countries.

Physically i'm slim, a little high. I've got clear skin, two grey-green eyes and I've got three piercings in my face. I've got brown long hair but I've got dreadlocks.

I usually wear informal clothes, jeans,t-shirts, skirts, sport wear and always i wear a mountain boots.

My hobbies are listenning to music, strolling for the city, go to the concerts and my favourite hobbie is theater.

My friends describe me a sociable and friendly person and some consider that i'm a little crazy.

In my free time I practise my two passions: making theater and making excursions with my boyfriend.